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When someone wants to access a Robot using they can use the robotics console available at

Create a User identity, if needed.

If you do not have a User identity, you can create one using the web console. This will create a user.json file that can be downloaded. This should be kept in a secure location.

The Web application will display the p2p address. This can be shared with the robot administrator to be added to the robot's allow list using the admin portal or command line application.

Connect to a Robot

Load your credentials into the Web application, either by using the edit boxes, or by loading your credential file. Once it has been verified and connects to the p2p swarm, you can then enter the p2p address of the robot you want to connect to.

If you have been provisioned correctly, the application will take you to an overview page, which allows you to select how you'd like to interact with the robot.

Control the Robot

If you have control authority of the robot, the console will provide UI for control. If available the network and robot supoer video streaming, the console will also provide a control and video user interface.

Monitor the Robot

If the operator has monitor authority, the console will provide a UI for monitoring the robot. This will allow you to view the robot's status, as well as subscribe to topics.


If you are having trouble connecting to the robot, please check the following: